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Материалы рекомендуемые для ознакомления и изучения: Судьба детей

A.L-A : JRL: судьба детей в СССР и РФ. http://www.cdi.org/russia/johnson/2009-216.cfm JRL Research & Analytical Supplement - JRL Home RAS Issue No. 45 :: November 2009 :: JRL 2009-216 Editor: Stephen D. Shenfield, sshenfield@verizon.net The Research and Analytical Supplement (RAS) to Johnson’s Russia List is produced and edited by Stephen D. Shenfield. He is the author of all parts of the content that are not attributed to any other author. RAS archive: http://www.cdi.org/russia/johnson/jrl-ras.cfm Special Issue: CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS IN THE USSR AND POST-SOVIET RUSSIA Produced in collaboration with Vladimir Sirotin Editor's introduction to the issue 1. Vladimir Sirotin: a brief sketch of my life and thought

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